Thursday, September 21, 2006

Matterhorn, stupidity, showers and outdoor ed...

It's been a good week in the Collons. I finally saw the Matterhorn, the Vicehorn, and the Dent-blanche which are all quite amazing. I left my camera on the top of Mt. Carre and didnt realize it until we summitted another peak and were well below the ridge. I realized it was missing but couldnt get phone service to phone the group behind us to see if they could find it. I ran ahead of my group up to a point where I got service, called Kodiaks group who were still on the first peak. They said they'd look but my group was still behind me so I decided to just bushwack straight up Mt. Carre. It was kicking my ass but I made it and sure enough, there was my camera, along with 3 months worth of travelling and pictures. Holy crap, I was glad to find it.

What else? We camped out last night and told ghost stories. I got a great night sleep in the tent. We went mountain biking this afternoon which was wild as usual. The group was good and I made it all the way up the real steep hill at the end without putting a foot down, puffing hard but I've been whipped into good shape.

The kids leave at 0800 hours tomorrow and we dont have to work until 2000 on Sunday so the weekend is long. I have to move back to Anzere and then we might try and do a Via Ferrada somewhere which is an Italian style of climbing up ladders bolted into the rock. Hopefully, we'll get around to it.

Congratulations to the NYY for clinching the division. To give you an idea of how removed I am from baseball I'll tell you how one of my kids this week, who had been wearing a Red Sox ball cap all week, one morning suddenly, took it off and replaced it with a Yankee beanie. I calmly made him aware of his ignorance and instructed him to go ahead and throw away the Red Sox hat since they suck. He didn't get it.

Disco tonight and breakfast tomorrow but basically the week is done. There are moments in Outdoor Education where I think, wow, I can't believe I'm getting paid to feed a campfire, or teach kids how to find the north star. And then there are other times, where I just want to shower, put my feet up, drink a beer, swear, and then sleep for a solid 10 hours. On that note, I shouldn't waste my 90 minutes of free time before dinner. I smell pretty rank and ought to scrub a bit in the shower.

Happy Weekend!!!!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

speaking of stuff like your camera- as i am still unpacking my stuff..i came across a few of your memory cards from junior year. they arent long lost pics or anything (they include annies 21st birthday, a drunken night with szymula and about 1 million pics of petey) so ill hold on to them for you.

i love you!! and i know your having a blast so i wont say that i hope your having fun

1:38 AM  

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