Saturday, August 19, 2006


It's a red and black inked dragon on my left buttock and underneath it says Wallace Was Here in script. I got it last night after a few pints in the Last Drop on Grassmarket St in Edinburgh. Well, none of that is true but I did see the Edinburgh Military Tattoo last night which was by far the best 20 quid I've spent in the UK and I've spent more than I can count right now. The pipes, marches, drums, performances, etc. were fabulous. Sara and Kelsey will be happy to know that the New Zealand Army Band was the funniest and their performance also included some Mowri tribal chant where they beat their chests (which I swear I've seen before on the internet).

It's festival time here in Edinburgh so the pubs are open until whenever and as I was informed last night by a local, you can theoretically drink all night and all day, seeing that some pub is opening when another is closing. There are in fact so many plays that it is difficult to tell which of them are rotten. They all claim to be 5 stars, a must-see, the funniest of the festival, or last years winner. I saw Tommy, the rock-opera, which was fairly good for a low budget performance, nothing like my red and black inked dragon tattoo though.

I'm running out of time quickly on this com. My 15 minutes and a cappucino for £1.40 hasnt lasted me very long. Tomorrow night I begin my long journey to Geneva, crossing my fingers that Ryan Air doesn't take all my money because my bags are too heavy. I'm excited to return to the mountains, though not the Blue Ridge or the Green Mountains the Swiss Alps should be pretty fantastic. More coming...ciao.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I noticed your posting was at 5AM. were you on the 24hr pub crawl???

5:03 PM  
Blogger emily said...

mom, im disappointed in you. remember the time change...

4:32 PM  

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