26 hours of travel later...im finally in the mountains
this kezboard is reallz different and i dont have much time so i am just going to ignore all mistakes and mazbe throw in a few of éàü or mazbe ç£ä. i arrived last night at 2130 after departing edinburgh at 2000 the daz before. a few highlights include...middle-aged barrz buzing mz bus ticket. not having euros for the navette in nimes and not having swiss francs for the train to lezsin. of course after no sleep i still went to the pub for a few beers with some new folks and mz two old friends from hurstpierpoint. unfortunatelz we are all leaving eachother as some of us go to anyere and some staz here. i am one of the luckz ones going to anyere, allthough im not sure whz, lezyin from what ive seen is absolutelz gorgeous. im leaving right now so i have to go, bze
i want to see the mountains!! like the real ones, not the vermont ones!! i guess i'm stuck with the seven hills of rome for a while though... ;-) btw, i saw right through that tattoo trick young lady, i knew you'd never say something like that where parental eyes could get to it. and come on, wallace??? i much prefer wilbur.
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