This job is really starting to wear me out. 7 hours is about the maximum amount of sleep i've had in a night since i've been here. I think its true for everybody.
Yesterday was international night which was a big hit but a lot of work for the staff. We all attempted to cook authentic meals so the kitchen was roaring with the sounds of chopping onions, sizzling sausage, Italiano's yelling about the sauce and Espagnols yelling about having the wrong pan to cook a tortilla. The french cuisine was the best, but a french counsellor was allowed to do the shopping for them because the boss couldnt understand the list. She came out with a grocery cart full of £120 of food, including fois gras and about 9 different types of french cheese. The USA/Canada group was attempting to make Poutine with barbecue sauce. Needless to say it was nothing like real Poutine. We also had to fight with the French because they were trying to steal our Fromage Emental. The peanut butter chocolate chip cookies we made came out great even though I was eye-balling the ingredients because I didn't have any measuring equipment. Regardless of all the stress in a hot kitchen, there was £600 worth of authentic cuisine from all over the world. It was delicious.
A few nights ago was one of those nights that I will remember for the rest of my life. I was tired and had planned on going to bed early all day. I went to Willy's bar for a night cap after the kiddies went to bed. I was enjoying my Kronenburg when someone came into the bar to report a crazy shooting star that took several seconds to travel accross the sky. At her insistence about 7 or 8 of us all went out to the cricket field to have a look at the stars. We were laughing and having so much fun that we decided to go get that bottle of Cuervo Gold stashed away for a special occasion. We belly-laughed until early morning, tears streaming down our faces.
I think after this job is over I am going to find a quiet, inexpensive, English town and sleep for days. Any suggestions?