Friday, July 07, 2006

one and a half days until the campers spoil our party...

well...i got knocked out of the ping-pong tournament early by an unlikely player, my cute, silly, french friend Carole who reminds me of my friend Alice. she is not as silly as Carolina who is spanish and has a very dirty and hilarious sense of humor. we were both playing defensively and i was maybe one beer too many in the belly.

i got my keys to the pool today, i'll be the Aquatics Director which sounds special and is a little bit but really it just means im stuck inside the pool for half the day. the dorm where im staying is where the older campers live, 14-17 year olds. it will be interesting to meet them and hopefully they dont have too much trouble with my mumbles, slang, and other lack of enunciation and academia regarding the english language. i've been getting decent practice speaking french with all the cute french staff but they are trying to work on their english so i often let them win so i can hear their accents. thats all for now...


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